Playa del Carmen Spanish Institute
Avenida Constituyentes y 5 Avenida, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo 77710, Mexico
Playa del Carmen Spanish Institute
Consiste en 6 horas de clase en un grupo.
* Si hay menos de 3 alumnos en esta clase, las clases en grupo cambiaran por privadas.
6 horas al dia
Escucha, hablando, pronunciación, lectura, escritura, vocabulario, gramática y actividades
Horario de clases está sujeto a cambio dependiendo de la disponibilidad y temporada.
Medio | 3 estudiantes |
Máximo | 9 estudiantes |
Rango de edades | 16 - 70 años |
Medio | 25 años |
El Instituto de Español Playa del Carmen ofrece una metodología diferente a otras escuelas de idiomas. La escuela ofrece aprendizaje en una experiencia de inmersión total. Nuestras clases no se imparten en aulas tradicionales, sino en diferentes lugares de Playa del Carmen, como galerías de arte, cafés locales, restaurantes, ruinas mayas, cuevas, etc. Dividimos la clase en gramática y conversación y tenemos diferentes niveles. Los estudiantes reciben un certificado de finalización del curso después de tomar el curso.
¡Somos la única escuela de español en Playa del Carmen completamente dirigida por lugareños! 100% mexicana.
Todas nuestras ubicaciones son centrales en Playa del Carmen, en el centro de la ciudad. Tenga en cuenta que limitamos la edad para que podamos tener una clase dinámica.
Las nacionalidades y edades de Playa del Carmen Spanish Institute cambian según el período, los cursos y los niveles. A lo largo del año, la edad media es 25 años. En el verano, la edad media is 25 años.
Playa del Carmen Spanish tiene estudiantes de todas partes del mundo, incluyendo:
El Instituto Español de Playa del Carmen opera desde 2005, pero desde 2017 ofrece una nueva metodología para estudiar español. Nuestra escuela está enfocada en la inmersión total, lo que significa que los estudiantes enfrentan situaciones en tiempo real todos los días. Nuestra clase no se lleva a cabo en un aula tradicional, pero tenemos diferentes ubicaciones cada día: cafeterías locales, restaurantes, la playa, clases de cocina, galerías de arte, ruinas mayas, tiendas locales donde los estudiantes aprenden haciendo e interactuando. Esto les permite a los estudiantes aprender y conocer Playa del Carmen. Todas nuestras ubicaciones están en el centro de Playa del Carmen y tenemos diferentes niveles de clase.
Somos la única escuela de español en Playa del Carmen dirigida por locales 100%.
Playa del Carmen es el principal destino para el turismo en México, es muy transitable.
Loved the teacher Ilse and our casual locations for private lessons. I loved the way she adjusted the content to personalize for my needs. I’d live to work with her again!
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Classes ouside of traditional classroom were very effective. All lessons were conducted in a Starbucks food court kind of setting. I participated in two weeks of instruction. Week one seemed formulaic, coberng topics irrespective of my prior knowledge. Weeks two very much tailored to my needs for growh. I did not utilize the school for housing instead oping for an Air&B. I was not impressed with the logistics of the school admnsitration! I signed up for a mix of group and private instruction. Because of my pretest plaement there was not a group suitable for me to be placed in. That was a welcome result as placment as a pure beginner would have been a waste of money spent! Instead, I had four hours of private instruction per day divided amog two instructors. Starting week 2, I was told that I would have four hours per day with one instructor. NO BUENO! I complained litterally to my two instructors and the schedule reverted to 2 hours per instructor per day. AT NO POINT DID THE SCHOOL COMMUNICATE WITH ME DIRECTLY. So, lessons were effective, settings were good, instructors were competent and engaging, but the professioalism of the TAAN school was lackin.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...I loved my teacher Ilse, so enthusiastic and kind. Unfortunately there were only 2 of us on the lessons so we ended up having 2hrs individual classes as we were at different levels.
My confidence grew hugely by having this one to one time, geared around my own preferences and pace
We generally didn’t go to many new places as we gravitated towards air con!
I didn’t mind that at all.
I would definitely book Ilse again, Muchas gracias
I received about half the hours I had paid for, as much of the time was spent driving/walking to places where class would take place, this included a nearly hour walk to a supermarket during one of the days. Teachers were switched multiple times and there was no lesson plans. Could have learned more just talking to locals.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Took a 4 week standard spanish course with teacher María and a group of students which included Germán French Italian América and Canadian. I enjoyed having class in different locations everyday and having activities each week which included salsa dancing, yoga, cooking and a class in a cenote cave. 4 weeks were ideal. And took me from beginners to intermediate. I also enjoyed the fact that we had group projects during class which allowed students to work together and make presentations and discussions.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...The teachers were awesome, very lovely and understanding. We did a lot of activities all together and they help me a lot with my Spanish which was very bad. Now I can understand a bit and speak a bit
Ver los detalles » Leer más...I took 4 weeks of private lessons with Maria. We had class in different beaches and locations in the area. My wife also participated in some sessions, and we loved the class the setting and the food. We are now travelling through Mexico and would recommend this school to anyone.
Pd. We loved a lady we met who was 90 and taking group class and was more active and lively than teenagers in the group. We stayed in a hostel near the main avenida.
I had a great time studying for 6 weeks during last January and February at Playa del Carmen Spanish. I was able to advance from beginner B to intermediate 1. Class was split in grammar and conversation, 2 hours each and the material provided was a mix of book and own teacher made material. We not only learned by the book but by exploring Playa and having our ear get used to the language. During weeks we would have class in cenotes, cafes, cinemas, parks and more meaning we were able to explore the area while learning Spanish. Overall i fully recommend.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...I took their course both in México City and Playa del Carmen. This is a good school to include activities for good value for money and learn Spanish. I recomend this school for dynamic people who want to learn with motivational teachers and be on the move
Ver los detalles » Leer más...I only went to Playa del Carmen Spanish Institute for a week and I am very happy I didn't invest more money into these classes considering they weren't really classes. My "teacher" didn't have a curriculum to follow, we met at a busy coffee shop which was loud and hard to hear. never showed us the fundamentals, gave homework and never checked it. i basically paid to meet people and make friends. i never learned one thing. i switched schools and studied so much better elsewhere. the only cool thing was the activity and we made authentic Mexican cuisine.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Overall I really enjoyed the class, but the days were too long. I think I would have learned the same amount in half the time. Although it was very nice to be outdoors for the classes it was sometimes loud and distracting. Not always the best learning environment. The excursions were a nice touch, but nothing was learned so it almost felt like wasted time.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Ich habe mich nur für 2 Wochen, täglich 2 Privatlektionen angemeldet. Die Lehrerin Alejandra war super! Immer gut vorbereitet und sehr geduldig. Für die Übung der Konversation hat sie immer interessante Themen ausgesucht, so dass ein interessanter Dialog entstehen konnte, und ich viel über Mexico, seine Einwohner und Bräuche erfahren konnte. Auf meine Fragen und Anregungen ist sie immer eingegangen. Dass die Kursstunden jeden Tag in einem andern Café stattfanden, hat mir sehr gefallen. Es war zwar nicht immer genz ruhig für die Arbeit, aber dafür gemütlich. So lernte ich mich in den Strassen vonPlaya del Carmen besser zurecht zu finden und lernte all die hübschen Cafés kennen.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...I would say this is several experiences in a single one because you have lessons outdoors most of the time as opposed of a classroom. My teachers Maria and Aldo we both knowledgeable and patient with the needs of the students in our group through the course of the 6 weeks arranged. I liked the school was flexible with the included weekly activity: they gave us options among beaches, cooking and salsa lessons. Do know lessons are dynamic and for students who enjoy being outdoors as opposed to a 4 walled room.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Lo siento decir lo, Un clase en un café con ruido y muchos gente, además estaba hablando con otra estudiantes qué no hablan mejor qué yo. Para aprender necesito hablar con alguien que habla bien español, no había un plan de curso nada. A la fina cambio por un clase privada el porfesor que se llama Aldo fue muy bien. Y no viví con una familia estaba negocio que se renta habitacíon estaba hablando en ingles con mis vecino de cuarto. Yo pensaba ir con una familia en imerscción. Discula no quiero ofender nadie
Ver los detalles » Leer más...I had a great experience at the language school in Playa del Carmen. Maria the instructor was very patient and willing to go the extra mile to accommodate my level of Spanish. We had fun on our two outings.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...I was on holiday learning Spanish and exploring Playa del Carmen. The class taking place in different spots and in chilled locations proved the perfect combination for enjoying the beach and learning Spanish. I was originally planning on doing a 2 week course but found the group of teachers so approachable and dedicated that did 4 weeks. I didn't book accommodation so not sure how to review it.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...The teachers were amazing. Although my "beginner" course wasnt so beginner due to other students being more advanced ( even though they were only there for the first week, they recieved preference, which left me extremely lost and confused). I also found the classes in cafe setting with mostly dialog a little challanging as i am a visual learning. Paulina my teeacher was extremly helpful and fun.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...First of all my teacher Maria was the most patient, kindest, professional with a sense of humor that I have ever encountered. She was extremely well organized and our sessions clipped along at a consistent steady pace doing various leaning activities. I had some personal concerns about being in a 4 hour class but the time just flew by and before I knew it I was getting my homework assignment and class was over.
I did appreciate the homework factor. Another student I talked with on the last day who had another teacher told me she didn't have homework to do after her classes. For me the homework really helped build my vocabulary and decipher all the options for verbs, and nouns and to put sentences together. At first the homework was basic but by the end of the week it was substantial, but that is why I signed up for the class. To learn as much Spanish as I could in a short amount of time.
I also had the gift of being the only student in class that week with the exception of the first day where there were two more students finishing up their week of classes. Subsequently, I basically had one on one private lessons with Maria for the rest of the week. Maria gave me a lot of instruction on how to keep learning and practicing Spanish when I returned to the states. One of those things was to start reading children's story books in Spanish which I have found to be really helpful in learning how to speak, put logical sentences together and to build vocabulary.
We met in cafe's and on the last day we met at Walmart and went grocery shopping. Maria had a list of foods I had to find and pick out and it was a great way to learn. After class we went to another teacher's home and joined her and another student and and we made sopes from scratch and sauteed cactus, which I had never eaten before, and other vegetables to put on the sopes. Then we grilled up some meats at the outside pavilion grill, where we all sat down and enjoyed a delicious meal together. It was a fun way to end the week and to spend some down time with Maria and get to know her not as just my teacher but as a person with a life outside of teaching. It also helped me be in a social setting and where I could practice conversational Spanish in a group without feeling intimidated.
I stayed in a boutique hotel on the north end of town and could easily walk to all the class destinations.
Honestly, I do not have anything to report that was negative or that I did not like. And i am already planning a trip back to take class with Maria again.
I would highly recommend the Spanish Institute to anyone interested in learning the language. It is affordable, the syllabus is well organized and you are not stuck inside a classroom setting, Sweet Maria was awesome and very passionate about teaching non Spanish speakers.
It was an all around awesome experience!
Shay Tibbits
I liked the idea of having the class in different places because I got to know the top local spots in town. My teacher was very professional and lessons were very dynamic in my opinion. Overall I really enjoy Playa and the school and can fully recommend it to anyone.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Excellent!! The best school language experience ever!!
It was fun and fast learning experience! The best professors ever!!
Thank you so much for all the help with the housing!
I enjoyed the class because it allowed me both to learn Spanish and discover locations where locals go in Playa del Carmen like cafes, art galleries. I took the intermediate class in the 20 hour per week course I can't remember the name but learned a lot and enjoyed my time. I didn't book housing but aulirbns are quite convenient as an option.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Very positive experience, the teacher was prepared, I followed lectures with interest and I met many interesting people, I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn a new language by making new acquaintances.
Ver los detalles » Leer más...Las familias anfitrionas son seleccionadas muy cuidadosamente y le ofrece al estudiante una oportunidad de aprender mucho más sobre la cultura local en un ambiente cómodo mientras estudia Español en Playa del Carmen. Estas familias generalmente quedan between 10 - 15 minutos de la escuela por transporte público. Las familias normalmente ofrecen un plan de comidas económico que lo permite probar la cocina del país. Si tiene requisitos especiales o restricciones de dieta (debido a su religión o razónes de salud), por favor infórmenos de antemano. Su alojamiento empieza el domingo antes del primer día de clases y termina el sabado después del último día de clase a menos que se indique de otra manera. Aprenda más sobre las familias anfitrionas
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Las residencias estudiantiles son más adecuadas para los estudiantes independientes que buscan un alojamiento básico, limpio y a un precio económico. Todos los estudiantes necesitan tener 15 - 55. Su alojamiento empieza el domingo antes del primer día de clases y termina el sabado después del último día de clase a menos que se indique de otra manera. Student residences often do not include any meal plan. Aprenda más sobre la residencia de estudiantes
Student residence - Single-person room - No meals
La escuela no puede realizar el proceso de aplicación de visas en nombre de los estudiantes.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Playa del Carmen based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Estudia en el extranjero sin preocupaciones con la cobertura del seguro de salud y de efectos personales de Language International. Cuando reservas un curso con nosotros, puedes optar por comprar un plan de seguro amplio que cubra no sólo tus costos de atención de la salud, ¡sino también la pérdida de tus pertenencias personales. Necesita reservar su seguro de antemano.
Aprenda más sobre nuestro plan de seguro de salud y de viaje »
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