TOEFL iBT Preparation Course

inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus


Temas de los cursos

Escucha, hablando, pronunciación, lectura, escritura, vocabulario y gramática

Horario del curso

Duración del curso
4-12 semanas
Clases a la semana
24 lessons per week (cada lección dura 50 minutos)
Días de clases
lunes - viernes

Horario de curso

Sesión de la mañana
09:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
Sesión de la tarde
13:00 - 14:30

Horario de clases está sujeto a cambio dependiendo de la disponibilidad y temporada.

Descripción del curso

Full-time English course for students who need a high score on the TOEFL iBT test or want to improve their English language skills in a very structured and dynamic course. This course is designed for students who will be entering college or university. This course will improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing.

inlingua Vancouver is an official TOEFL iBT testing centre. Students can take the oficial TOEFL iBT exam at our language school in Vancouver, Canada.

Are you interested in improving your English? Do you want to advance your career? Then the inlingua Vancouver TOEFL iBT Preparation course is the best choice for you. With the TOEFL iBT Preparation course you can:

Build your self-confidence to write the new generation TOEFL iBT.
Improve your TOEFL score in the classroom and in the computer lab.
Enhance your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills with tons of practice exercises and speaking activities in a native speaking environment.
Practice on a daily basis with mini-tests covering the different sections of the official test in our state-of-the-art computer lab and get instant feedback from our professional instructors.
Take a weekly full length TOEFL iBT test in the computer lab.
Benefit from our friendly and professional instruction in a course designed by expert inlingua TOEFL iBT instructors.
Get your target score and achieve your dream.

Nivel del curso

Intermedio alto
Tomará un examen de competencia el primer día para determinar su nivel. También se puede hacer este examen antes que llegue a Vancouver

Tasa de la clase

Medio 12 estudiantes
Máximo 15 estudiantes

Edad de estudiante

Rango de edades 16 años y mayores


Un certificado de finalización se presenta al final del curso.
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  • Aula de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 1/16
  • Aula de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 2/16
  • Aula de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 3/16
  • Aula de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 4/16
  • Pasillo dentro de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 5/16
  • Pasillo dentro de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 6/16
  • Pasillo dentro de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 7/16
  • Sala común de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 8/16
  • Sala común de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 9/16
  • Aula de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 10/16
  • Estudiantes de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 11/16
  • Recepción de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 12/16
  • Sala común de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 13/16
  • Sala de computadores de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 14/16
  • Entrada de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 15/16
  • Edificio de inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 16/16


50% de los estudiantes lo recomiendan

basado en 2 opiniónes
5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrella
Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales

"The best experience I've ever had."

Jose Lopes

I studied at inlingua for 10 months in 2013. It was an amazing opportunity. Not just to learn English, but also a bit of everything. I met people from countries where I didn't even know where they were. I've learned from other cultures. I tried to enjoy every single activity the school provided.
I started at the lower level facility at the Gastown location. But from the third month on I went to the Granville one. Both campuses are great; Gastown is bigger and it's where all the counselors work. But Granville campus is in the heart of Vancouver.
And most importantly, my teachers were awesome. I tried General English until having enough English to move to the Business class. What an amazing class I had. I learned a lot, and for sure it will help me with my career in the future. I've added all my teachers on Facebook and I'm still in touch with them. I consider them just as much friends as all my classmates.
I loved the experience, the city, the trips, the school and the people.

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Mi puntuación para este escuela

Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
Duración del estudio
42 semanas
Fecha de estudio
28 Jan 2013 - 22 Nov 2013
¿Le recomendarías este escuela a un amigo?

"The biggest life experience in my life. Never more!"

Ludovit Farkas, estudiante de Eslovaquia

Granville campus is situated in very noisy and dirty place of Vancouver called 'Downtown'. Classes are apparently designed for small children or teenagers with lacking free space. Teachers seem to be friendly and patient. By contrast, many students, at the average age of 22, act like spoiled children in a playground. Facilities were at an acceptable level and activities as well, even though I have never participated.
And what about housing? It was terrible to share a household with a family. They weren't able to cater for a normal bread and a butter. Although, I paid for a half board service, I used to get just dinner. There was nothing to find for breakfast, even though I pointed it out a couple of times. So, I was forced to arrange breakfast on my own, charging my budget. On top of that, they started consuming my stuff. Furthermore, they decided to sell a house by putting on open hours in unspecified time periods, which made me leave the house on demand.
Great housing service! The only form of respect I got was focused on my money!

And something positive!

I met only one teacher there (I mean a man as a teacher and a teacher as a man); an Iranian guy named Jacob.

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Mi puntuación para este escuela

Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
Duración del estudio
11 semanas
Fecha de estudio
11 Feb 2013 - 3 May 2013
¿Le recomendarías este escuela a un amigo?
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.


inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus ofrece los siguientes tipos de alojamiento:

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Sin comidas


Rooming - Single-person room - no meals, but students can use a kitchen

Rango de edades: 19 años y mayores
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Sin comidas
Instalaciones : Cocina
Distancia a la escuela: 45 minutos
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: domingo, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Desayuno y cena


Homestay - Single-person room - Half Board

Rango de edades: 17 años y mayores
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno y cena (14 comidas por semana)
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: domingo, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Desayuno, almuerzo y cena


Homestay - Single-person room - Full Board

Rango de edades: 16 años y mayores
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno, almuerzo y cena (21 comidas por semana)
Distancia a la escuela: 45 minutos
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: domingo, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.

Casa de familia - Habitación individual - Desayuno, almuerzo y cena


Homestay - Single-person room - Full Board (Ages 16 and Under)

Rango de edades: Hasta 1 años
Tipo de alojamiento: Casa de familia
Tipo de habitación: Habitación individual
Régimen de comidas: Desayuno, almuerzo y cena (21 comidas por semana)
Disponibilidad: enero - diciembre
Día de llegada: domingo, en cualquier momento
Día de salida: sábado, en cualquier momento
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.

Apoyo para visas

Language International no puede realizar el proceso de aplicación de visas en nombre de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, podemos proporcionarle toda la documentación necesaria que va a necesitar como parte de su aplicación.

Mandarán su carta de aceptación a su domicilio por correo estándar sin cobro.

Vuelos y transporte al aeropuerto

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Vancouver based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Seguro de viaje

Estudia en el extranjero sin preocupaciones con la cobertura del seguro de salud y de efectos personales de Language International. Cuando reservas un curso con nosotros, puedes optar por comprar un plan de seguro amplio que cubra no sólo tus costos de atención de la salud, ¡sino también la pérdida de tus pertenencias personales. Necesita reservar su seguro de antemano.

Aprenda más sobre nuestro plan de seguro de salud y de viaje »

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Preguntas y respuestas

¿Preguntas? Recibe respuestas de nuestros consejeros estudiantiles, del personal de la escuela inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus y de alumnos anteriores.

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